




“我不想进入机密信息。但坦率地说,没有明确的证据证明这一点,“ 拜登在接受”60 分钟“采访时说。




“我们现在的想法 – 再次,我们没有看到任何证据,具体证据,伊朗直接参与了这些特定的袭击,”白宫国家安全委员会战略沟通协调员约翰柯比上周告诉记者。


更多背景: 美国有线电视新闻网周三报道说,据多位熟悉情报的消息人士称,美国情报部门显示,伊朗政府高级官员对哈马斯的袭击感到意外。



CNN的Zachary Cohen,Katie Bo Lillis,Natasha Bertrand和Jeremy Herb对本文有报道贡献。



来自CNN的Nikki Carvajal,Priscilla Alvarez,Kevin Liptak

乔·拜登总统表示,以色列重新占领加沙将是一个 “大错误”,但在上周的恐怖袭击之后,以色列 “必须做出回应” 并 “追捕哈马斯” – 他将其与大屠杀进行了比较 – 在周日播出的一次采访中。

当被问及他是否同意对加沙的 “全面围困” 时,拜登表示,他相信以色列将在战争规则范围内采取行动,并且“加沙的无辜者有能力获得药品、食物和水”。






虽然拜登说他认为必须完全消灭哈马斯,但他补充说:“需要一个巴勒斯坦权力机构。需要有 – 一条通往巴勒斯坦国的道路。




Biden: No clear evidence Iran behind terror attacks in Israel

From CNN’s Priscilla Alvarez

US President Joe Biden Sunday maintained there’s “no clear evidence” of Iran being behind the terror attacks in Israel carried out by Hamas earlier this month.

“I don’t want to get into classified information. But to be very blunt with you, there is no clear evidence of that,” Biden said in an interview with “60 Minutes.”  

Pressed again whether Iran was behind any of the conflict, Biden reiterated that there’s no evidence “at this point” that Iran helped plan the attack. 

Asked about his message to Hezbollah and Iran, and the limited fighting on the northern Israeli border this week, Biden said: “Don’t. Don’t, don’t, don’t.”

Administration officials have said that intelligence, so far, hasn’t indicated that Iran was involved in the planning of last Saturday’s terror attack, but they continue to assess new information as it is gathered.

“What we think now — again, we have not seen any evidence, specific evidence, that Iran was directly involved with these specific sets of attacks,” White House National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications John Kirby told reporters last week.

“The book’s not closed on it. We’re going to keep looking at that. But that’s just where we are right now,” he added.

More background: CNN reported Wednesday that US intelligence suggests senior Iranian government officials were caught by surprise by Hamas’ attack, according to multiple sources familiar with the intelligence.

One source noted that while Hamas maintains operational independence from Iran — making it plausible that the Iranian government may not have known about the attack in advance — without Iran’s longstanding funding and training to Hamas militants, the group could not exist as it does now.

Iran has for years been Hamas’ chief benefactor, providing it with tens of millions of dollars, weapons and components smuggled into Gaza, as well as broad technical and ideological support.

CNN’s Zachary Cohen, Katie Bo Lillis, Natasha Bertrand and Jeremy Herb contributed reporting to this post.

Biden says Israeli occupation of Gaza would be a “big mistake,” but Israel “has to respond” to attack

From CNN’s Nikki Carvajal, Priscilla Alvarez, Kevin Liptak

US President Joe Biden speaks at the White House in Washington, DC, on Tuesday, October 10.
US President Joe Biden speaks at the White House in Washington, DC, on Tuesday, October 10. Evan Vucci/AP

President Joe Biden said it would be a “big mistake” for Israel to reoccupy Gaza, but that Israel “has to respond” and “go after Hamas” after last week’s terror attacks — which he compared to the Holocaust — in an interview that aired Sunday.

Asked by “60 Minutes” if he agreed with a “total siege” of Gaza, Biden said he was confident Israel would act within the rules of war and there would “be an ability for the innocents in Gaza to be able to have access to medicine and food and water.”

The interview was shot by CBS News on Friday and aired on “60 Minutes” Sunday. 

Asked if he would support an Israeli occupation of Gaza at this point, Biden answered more directly.

“I think it’d be a big mistake,” he said. “Look, what happened in Gaza, in my view, is Hamas and the extreme elements of Hamas don’t represent all the Palestinian people. And I think that…It would be a mistake to…for Israel to occupy…Gaza again. We…but going in but taking out the extremists the Hezbollah is up north but Hamas down south. Is a necessary requirement.”

It was his most public warning so far against an Israeli occupation of Gaza.

Biden also said he wanted to see aid supplies sent into Gaza and the establishment of a humanitarian corridor for civilians to leave the enclave, but said it was “hard.” His administration was working on that with Israeli and Egyptian officials, he said. 

While Biden said he believes Hamas must be eliminated entirely, he added “there needs to be a Palestinian Authority. There needs to be — a path to a Palestinian state.”

Asked if there should now be a ceasefire, Biden voiced support for further action against Hamas. 

“Look, there’s a fundamental difference,” Biden said. “Israel is going after a group of people who have engaged in barbarism that is as consequential as the Holocaust. And — so I think Israel has to respond. They have to go after Hamas.”