
更新 周三, 2月 15 2023美国东部时间下午 6:18
娜塔莎·图拉克 阿曼达·马西亚斯



该报告的标题为 “俄罗斯对乌克兰儿童的再教育和收养的系统计划,“ 概述了克里姆林宫绑架儿童、阻止他们返回乌克兰并”再教育“他们成为亲俄者的系统性努力。 




第 93 旅的乌克兰军人在巴赫穆特前线防御俄罗斯。 

Ukrainian servicemen of the 93rd brigade prepare to fire a French 120mm rifled towed mortar (designated as a MO-120-RT-61) towards Russian positions in Bakhmut on February 15, 2023, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by YASUYOSHI CHIBA / AFP) (Photo by YASUYOSHI CHIBA/AFP via Getty Images)

在俄罗斯入侵乌克兰期间,第 93 旅的乌克兰军人准备于 2023 年 2 月 15 日向巴赫穆特的俄罗斯阵地发射一门法国 120 毫米线膛牵引迫击炮(指定为 MO-61-RT-2023)。 千叶康吉 |法新社|盖蒂图片社

A Ukrainian serviceman of the 93rd brigade covers his ears while firing a French 120mm rifled towed mortar (designated as a MO-120-RT-61) towards Russian positions in Bakhmut on February 15, 2023, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by YASUYOSHI CHIBA / AFP) (Photo by YASUYOSHI CHIBA/AFP via Getty Images)

2023 年 2 月 15 日,在俄罗斯入侵乌克兰期间,第 93 旅的一名乌克兰军人在向巴赫穆特的俄罗斯阵地发射法国 120 毫米线膛牵引迫击炮(指定为 MO-61)时捂住耳朵。 千叶康吉 |法新社|盖蒂图片社

DONBASS, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 15: Ukrainian Marines prepare their T-64 tank for action while dug in to a treeline on February 15, 2023 in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine. Russian forces have been attacking Ukrainian positions all across the country's east in a winter offensive. Ukrainian tank commanders there said they are looking forward to the arrival of modern European and American tanks to upgrade their aging fleet of Soviet era vehicles. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

2023 年 2 月 15 日,乌克兰海军陆战队在乌克兰东部顿巴斯地区的树线上挖掘时准备他们的 T-64 坦克。 约翰·摩尔 |盖蒂图片社

DONBASS, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 15: A Ukrainian Marine returns his crew's T-80 tank to his unit's dug in position on February 15, 2023 in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine. Russian forces have been attacking Ukrainian troops all across the country's east in a winter offensive. Ukrainian tank commanders there said they are looking forward to the arrival of modern European and American tanks to upgrade their aging fleet of Soviet era vehicles. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

2023 年 2 月 15 日,一名乌克兰海军陆战队员将机组人员的 T-2023 坦克送回他所在部队在乌克兰东部顿巴斯地区挖掘的位置。 约翰·摩尔 |盖蒂图片社

A Ukrainian serviceman of the 93rd brigade unloads a shell from a case, for a French 120mm rifled towed mortar (designated as a MO-120-RT-61) in Bakhmut on February 15, 2023, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by YASUYOSHI CHIBA / AFP) (Photo by YASUYOSHI CHIBA/AFP via Getty Images)

2023 年 2 月 15 日,在俄罗斯入侵乌克兰期间,第 93 旅的一名乌克兰军人从箱子中卸下一枚炮弹,用于法国 120 毫米线膛拖迫击炮(指定为 MO-120-RT-61)。 千叶康吉 |法新社|盖蒂图片社

A Ukrainian serviceman of the 93rd brigade stands near a pile of empty mortar shell containers in Bakhmut on February 15, 2023, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by YASUYOSHI CHIBA / AFP) (Photo by YASUYOSHI CHIBA/AFP via Getty Images)

2023 年 2 月 15 日,在俄罗斯入侵乌克兰期间,第 93 旅的一名乌克兰军人站在巴赫穆特的一堆空迫击炮弹集装箱附近。 千叶康吉 |法新社|盖蒂图片社

DONBASS, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 15: Ukrainian Marines prepare their T-64 tank for action while dug in to a treeline on February 15, 2023 in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine. Russian forces have been attacking Ukrainian positions all across the country's east in a winter offensive. Ukrainian tank commanders there said they are looking forward to the arrival of modern European and American tanks to upgrade their aging fleet of Soviet era vehicles. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

2023 年 2 月 15 日,乌克兰海军陆战队在乌克兰东部顿巴斯地区的树线上挖掘时准备他们的 T-64 坦克。 约翰·摩尔 |盖蒂图片社

DONBASS, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 15: Ukrainian Marines emerge from an underground bunker at their unit's tank position on February 15, 2023 in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine. Russian forces have been attacking Ukrainian troops all across the country's east in a winter offensive. Ukrainian tank commanders there said they are looking forward to the arrival of modern European and American tanks to upgrade their aging fleet of Soviet era vehicles. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

2023 年 2 月 15 日,乌克兰海军陆战队从乌克兰东部顿巴斯地区他们部队坦克阵地的地下掩体中出现。 约翰·摩尔 |盖蒂图片社

Ukrainian servicemen of the 93rd brigade await a fire-mission order for their French 120mm rifled towed mortar (designated as a MO-120-RT-61) position, in Bakhmut on February 15, 2023, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by YASUYOSHI CHIBA / AFP) (Photo by YASUYOSHI CHIBA/AFP via Getty Images)

2023 年 2 月 15 日,在俄罗斯入侵乌克兰期间,第 93 旅的乌克兰军人在巴赫穆特等待他们的法国 120 毫米线膛拖曳迫击炮(指定为 MO-120-RT-61)阵地的火力任务命令。 千叶康吉 |法新社|盖蒂图片社

DONBASS, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 15: A Ukrainian Marine warms his hands over a wood burning heater inside a bunker at his unit's tank position on February 15, 2023 in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine. Russian forces have been attacking Ukrainian troops all across the country's east in a winter offensive. Ukrainian tank commanders there said they are looking forward to the arrival of modern European and American tanks to upgrade their aging fleet of Soviet era vehicles. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

2023 年 2 月 15 日,一名乌克兰海军陆战队员在乌克兰东部顿巴斯地区所在部队坦克阵地的掩体内用燃木加热器加热双手。 约翰·摩尔 |盖蒂图片社

– 盖蒂图片社



2022 年 12 月 22 日,在乌克兰伊久姆的一个战场上看到一辆被反坦克导弹击中的俄罗斯坦克。

2022 年 12 月 22 日,在乌克兰伊久姆的一个战场上看到一辆被反坦克导弹击中的俄罗斯坦克。皮埃尔·克罗姆|盖蒂图片社



“工业生产仍在继续,但仍然缓慢,迫使莫斯科依靠其较旧的储存武器作为消耗替代品,”国际战略研究所所长兼首席执行官约翰奇普曼说, 在年度军事平衡报告发布会上.



— 阿曼达·马西亚斯

周二, 2月 14 2023美国东部时间下午 5:41


2022 年 11 月 5 日,随着俄乌战争在乌克兰赫尔松州继续进行,隶属于第 59 机械化旅的乌克兰炮兵连的榴弹炮射击瞄准俄罗斯军队控制的点,以支持乌克兰军队。

2022 年 11 月 5 日,随着俄乌战争在乌克兰赫尔松州继续进行,隶属于第 59 机械化旅的乌克兰炮兵连的榴弹炮射击瞄准俄罗斯军队控制的点,以支持乌克兰军队。梅廷·阿特卡斯 |阿纳多卢机构|盖蒂图片社

五角大楼授予 诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司 以及全球军事产品公司,一份价值超过 5.22 亿美元的合同,用于制造和交付 155 毫米火炮弹药。美国陆军合同由乌克兰安全援助倡议资助。


— 阿曼达·马西亚斯
