

Flood saves Ukrainian village from Russian occupation

2022 年 5 月 15 日星期日更新美国东部时间下午 6:52

Nadiia pulls a cart with crates filled with potatoes through a flooded street, on May 2, 2022 in Demydiv, Ukraine.

2022年5月2日,Nadiia在乌克兰德米迪夫(Demydiv)拉着一辆装有装满土豆的板条箱的手推车穿过一条被洪水淹没的街道。阿列克谢·弗曼 |盖蒂图片社

居民们说,基辅北部一个小村庄蓄意的洪水造成了泥潭,淹没了地窖和田野,但阻止了俄罗斯对首都的袭击,值得所有牺牲。The intentional flooding of a small village north of Kyiv that created a quagmire and submerged cellars and fields, but prevented a Russian attack on the capital, was worth all the sacrifice, residents said.

A local resident pumps water from flooded area after Ukrainian military forces opened a dam to flood an residencial area in order to stop advance of Russian forces to arrive to the capital city of Kyiv, in Demydiv, Ukraine, May, 15, 2022. REUTERS/Carlos Barria

2022年5月15日,在乌克兰军队打开大坝淹没一个住宅区,以阻止俄罗斯军队抵达乌克兰德米迪夫的首都基辅后,一名当地居民从淹没地区抽水。卡洛斯·巴里亚 |路透社

乌克兰军队在战争初期在德米迪夫(Demydiv)打开了一座大坝,导致伊尔平河(Irpin River)淹没了村庄和周围数千英亩的土地。此后,此举被认为阻止了俄罗斯士兵和坦克突破乌克兰的防线。

Houses are seen at a flooded area after Ukrainian military forces opened a dam to flood an residencial area in order to stop advance of Russian forces to arrive to the capital city of Kyiv, in Demydiv, Ukraine, May, 15, 2022. Picture taken with a drone. REUTERS/Carlos Barria

2022年5月15日,在乌克兰军队打开大坝淹没居住区以阻止俄罗斯军队抵达乌克兰德米迪夫首都基辅后,在被淹没的地区可以看到房屋。卡洛斯·巴里亚 |路透社



Local residents are seen on a boat at a flooded area after Ukrainian military forces opened a dam to flood an residencial area in order to stop advance of Russian forces to arrive to the capital city of Kyiv, in Demydiv, Ukraine, May, 15, 2022. Picture taken with a drone. REUTERS/Carlos Barria

2022年5月15日,在乌克兰军队打开大坝淹没一个住宅区以阻止俄罗斯军队抵达乌克兰首都基辅后,当地居民在被洪水淹没的地区被看到一艘船。用无人机拍摄的照片。卡洛斯·巴里亚 |路透社




A water pump station is seen at a flooded area after Ukrainian military forces opened a dam to flood an residencial area in order to stop advance of Russian forces to arrive to the capital city of Kyiv, in Demydiv, Ukraine, May, 15, 2022. Picture taken with a drone. REUTERS/Carlos Barria     TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

2022年5月15日,在乌克兰军队打开大坝淹没一个住宅区以阻止俄罗斯军队抵达乌克兰德米迪夫首都基辅之后,在被淹没的地区看到一个水泵站。卡洛斯·巴里亚 |路透社

— 路透社



‘Our village was flooded to prevent a Russian attack on Kyiv – it was worth it’

德米迪夫是基辅以北约 30 英里的一个小村庄,在战争初期被乌克兰军队蓄意淹没。



Volodymyr Artemchuk 告诉路透社:“当然很好。


39 岁的 Oleksandr Rybalko 说,超过三分之一的田地被淹。


Demydiv, a small village about 30 miles north of Kyiv, was flooded deliberately by Ukrainian forces earlier in the war.

Thousands of acres were submerged by the Irpin River, but it prevented an attack on the Ukrainian capital.

The flood was credited with stopping Russian soldiers and tanks from breaking though Ukrainian lines.

Volodymyr Artemchuk told Reuters: “Of course it was good.

“What would have happened if they…were able to cross the little river and then went on to Kyiv?”

Oleksandr Rybalko, 39, said more than a third of some fields were flooded.

Two months later, people are still using inflatable boats to move around, and planting vegetables and flowers on any patches of dry land.
